VixenKitty's Quickpage!


The Quickpage is for those readers who, either due to thier Browsers or lack of patience, want a fast and easy way to access my artwork and other files in the Lair. The links will allow you an easier, quicker interface to download what you want. It also will be slightly easier to tell what files are new.

If you decide that you would like to see a specific Graphical page, links will be provided to them here, as well. The Graphical pages have examples of the artwork and other goodies, such as a role-playing slant to the navigation of the pages.

As always... Enjoy!!

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PicPacks are generally files that contain big-pics and regular pics. Not always will they contain both types. PicPacks also have some sort of theme to the artwork contained within, i.e. dragons or science fiction. Seperate fileinfo texts will be viewable (and, hence, downloadable) with each zip file posted.

Dragons... those mighty beasts of fantasy. What would a fantasy world be like without these fearsome creatures? Aye, many a fantasy world has been based on the dragon. The files below represent many of these fine fellows. Perhaps you could give them a suitable home? To visit the Dragon's Den, just click!

Dragons2 - 19 Big-Pics       0 Pics      File Size: 444 kb
Dragons3 - 18 Big-Pics       0 Pics      File Size: 427 kb
Dragons4 - 15 Big-Pics       0 Pics      File Size: 373 kb
Full, gibbous moons... Mist shrouded cemetaries... Cold, clammy hands on the back of your neck in the dark... These, and many more things, invoke creepy sensations in us. I have tried to capture that creepiness in these PicPacks of artwork. Many scenes are Lovecraftian in flavor. Some are just plain eerie. And a few are just unsettling. Dark shadows, howling ghosts, prowling undead... you'll find them all in the Creepy PicPacks!

Creepy!  - 25 Big-Pics       9 Pics      File Size: 428 kb
Creepy2! -  7 Big-Pics       9 Pics      File Size: 253 kb
Creepy3! -  2 Big-Pics      14 Pics      File Size: 157 kb

Elves... lithe, striking, aloof, magical.   Gnomes... small, lively, sly, inquisitive.  
Dwarves... short, strong, taciturn, brave.   Halflings... childlike, nimble, friendly, barefoot!
If the dragon is the cornerstone of fantasy, then the non-humans are the mortar. From the wooded glens of the fields, to the darkest depths of the mountains, these peoples bring diversity to any realm. They may be friends, enemies, lovers, legends... or you! There are many faces and dispositions to choose from in these Demi-Human PicPacks!

Demi-Humans -  5 Big-Pics      17 Pics      File Size: 234 kb

Growling, snarling humanlike beasts. Along with the demi-humans, the goblinoid or humanoid creatures are an integral part of most fantasy settings. Ogres, orcs, goblins, and giants all join up together to fight for the side of evil. They also join together to be a part of this PicPack. All they ask of you is a dank cave, a few bits of treasure and some unwary adventurers, now and again...

Humanoids -  9 Big-Pics      14 Pics      File Size: 357 kb


WorldPacks are zipped files of artwork that pertain to a specific world, or setting, that can be used in Unlimited Adventures. These files may include such settings as Dark Sun, Ravenloft, BirthRight or others. Seperate fileinfo texts will be viewable (and, hence, downloadable) with each zip file posted.

Dark Sun
Athas... the defiled world of the Dark Sun setting. Feral halflings, desert elves and psionics are as commonplace as metal is rare on this burned and ruined world. Sorcerer-Kings and thier Templars rule this blasted planet in decadence, while the subjugated peoples fight for thier lives. Not only in the bloody gladitorial arenas, but against Athas, itself!
Athas awaits! To visit the graphical site, click here.

Dark Sun -  6 Big-Pics      6 Pics      File Size: 190 kb

The world of Krynn... Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman opened up our hearts and imaginations with their creation of the Dragonlance Saga. Many books, modules, figurines, and computer games were based on this amazing series. Come visit with old friends once again as you peruse (and maybe use) this new WorldPack of art from the Dragonlance Saga!
Krynn awaits! To visit the graphical site, click here.

Dragonlance - 17 Big-Pics     31 Pics      File Size: 685 kb


AttackPacks comprise the combat icons that bedevil your players. For the most part, these zip files will be themed in one way or another. This will usually be by specific creatures/peoples (i.e. kobolds, elves, ect.) or by a broader category (i.e. giants, insects, ect.). Seperate file info texts will be viewable (and, hence, downloadable), if warrented, with each zip file posted. Another text file containing the statistics or other pertinent information of the combat icons may be posted as well.

Kobolds! - Those pesky nuisances of first level adventurers have been recolored and expanded upon. Slingers, guards, shamans and chiefs join the ranks of the yapping sword fodder to stalwartly oppose the heroes who so savagely beset them!    Go There!
   11 Icons    File Size: 11.3 kb

Beetles! - Now you don't have to use that single, solitary, boring Boring Beetle as the token insect in your design. A bountiful bevy of brand new, bad, biting beetles bide time in this AttackPack. Please... give them a home... and some fresh meat!   Go There!
    7 Icons    File Size: 10.5 kb

VW Bug!  - This horrendous creature is not entirely intended as a viable entrant for the standard campaign. Though it may be vile, it may be vicious, it may be very stupid! Use this combat icon in your design at your own risk. I refuse to be held accountable if your players die laughing...   Go There!
    1 Icons    File Size: 2.02 kb

VixenKitty - Here are two pics and 4 icons I did to represent myself in UA. Feel free to use the art as you wish, but please contact me if you also use my name.   Go There!
    4 Icons (and 2 Pics)     File Size: 15.3 kb

Science Fiction Unlimited Adventures  (SFUA)

Sometimes the adventure isn't swords and sorcery against the spreading blackness of evil... The heroes may use other, different ways to combat the menaces they face. Lasers, power armor, and space craft take the place of swords, chain mail, and horses. The weapons and times may change, but oft-times, the evil is still the same. These pieces of art may help you equip your players with the tools necessary to combat that evil, and possibly introduce them to some new friends, too...
To visit the Science Fiction Unlimited Adventures area, just click here.

Science Fiction PicPacks
There has been a recent rise in the science fiction based art coming available for Unlimited Adventures. There are now over 5 Megs of files containing sci-fi images for use in SFUA. Below are my offerings of images for your use and enjoyment!
Sci-Fi-1 - 19 Big-Pics      33 Pics      File Size: 697 kb
Sci-Fi-2 - 28 Big-Pics      44 Pics      File Size: 698 kb
Sci-Fi-3 - 22 Big-Pics      17 Pics      File Size: 579 kb
Sci-Fi-4 - 12 Big-Pics      13 Pics      File Size: 339 kb

Science Fiction WallSets
If you are going to do a SFUA design, you need sci-fi walls. There are very few wallsets available for SFUA, though. Merlin, a friend of mine (and a great artist in his own right), has done three sets of walls. Just click on his name to visit hgis website and get them. I, too, have done a few wallsets for SFUA. Here are my three wallsets to help you out on your way...
Sci-Fi WallSet - 3 wallsets with 5 wall slots each      File Size: 45.1 kb

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